I was born in Uganda on October 8th 1983. It is here that I got the biggest part of my education and later came back to my homeland, Rwanda Where I finished University.
Journalism career
I started my journalism career in 2008 during my senior six vacation. I began as a freelance writer in The New Times publications. When I started out to write, I did it out of passion for journalism and writing. The over eight years’ I have been in journalism I have managed to rise from an inexperienced writer to an editor at one of the country’s excellent news outlets (Kigali Today).
On top of being a writer and editor, I also picked an interest in broadcasting. Coupled with my quest to learn from experienced people I started hosting the SHISHOZA programme on KT RADIO where we come up with topics, mostly religious, and invite people to discuss those topics.
My love for journalism
The love for being informed and informing others inspired me to become a journalist. I loved reading and writing from a tender age and as I grew up, I discovered that my passion would be quenched by journalism.
Though at University I studied Business management, I found myself stuck in the journalism world up to today.
During my time in journalism I managed to win the 2012 East African media Awards. Also in 2012 I was elected as the treasurer of the Rwanda Journalists Association (ARJ), a position I hold up to date.
My hobbies include reading. I read anything readable that crosses my path. I like watching movies and listening gospel/Jazz music. I love God and my family.
Favourite Quotes
“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.” Buddha
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